ARACO BOND is a bonding agent with a modified synthetic emulsion SBR styrene-butadiene rubber. ARACO BOND is specially formulated for permanently bonding new concrete or plaster to old concrete or plaster. It is suitable for interior or exterior applications. ARACO BOND is ideal to improve the chemical and mechanical properties of cementitious mortars mix.

ARACO Façade Cleaner
ARACO Façade Cleaner is a liquid, pasty façade cleaning cream. It removes scaling and efflorescence from mineral substrates. It also clean different other materials and surfaces quickly and efficiently. ARACO Façade Cleaner is made up from natural, renewable raw materials. Due to its creamy look, the agent will cover all the surface without dripping. The long contact time helps to dissolve tough stains and soiling.

ARACO MOLD RELEASE is a single component milky liquid composed of synthetic oils, special emulsifying agents and varied additives with high anti- adhesion properties toward concrete. ARACO MOLD RELEASE provides the plywood surface with a water repellent film preventing concrete from adhering to the form work resulting with a smooth, stainless concrete surfaces. ARACO MOLD RELEASE is a water-based especially formulated focusing on health, environment, protection and safety. ARACO MOLD RELEASE is being tested according to internal laboratory testing procedures.

ARACO CURE W is a single component concrete and cementitious substrates curing compound. ARACO CURE W is an environmentally friendly water-based product. When applied to a fresh cementitious surface, ARACO CURE W will form a continuous white coating which dries to form a continuous clear film that controls water retention and evaporation rates in newly laid concrete to achieve optimum strength and durability.

ARACO SHUTTER RELEASE is a single component, low viscosity pale straw colored liquid composed of synthetic mineral oils and special varied additives that performs in a superior manner to standard oil based mold release agent. ARACO SHUTTER RELEASE provides the plywood surface with a water repellent film preventing concrete from adhering to the form work resulting with a smooth, stainless concrete surfaces. ARACO SHUTTER RELEASE is being tested according to internal laboratory testing procedures.

ARACO BIO RELEASE is a shutter release agent for vertical and horizontal applications. It is specially formulated to provide an easy and complete release of concrete from the forms and to give a specific and exceptional high quality surface finish. ARACO BIO RELEASE is ideal to be used where environmental and occupational issues are the highest priorities such as enclosed building sites.
ARACO TOP RS is a two-component special formulated polymer-modified primer and bonding agent for steel reinforcements. ARACO TOP RS is a multi-purpose corrosion protection and can be applied as a bonding agent. ARACO TOP RS contains special additives as a corrosion inhibitors to protect the reinforced steel and highly resistant to water. ARACO TOP RS can be used especially for cosmetic or structural repair of deteriorated concrete. ARACO TOP RS is a patching mortar for horizontal or overhead surfaces.

ARACO FIBERS are 100% homopolymer polypropylene monofilament fibers. ARACO FIBERS act as micro-reinforcement system for concrete and offers long term durability. ARACO FIBER is specifically designed to minimize early age cracking in concrete as a result of plastic shrinkage and plastic settlement.